This is my new blog, and I'm writing my first post from 30,000 feet up, on a Southwest jet, as I return home from a week on a cruise ship in the Caribbean. Geoff and I set sail with my brother Cougar, his wife Hillary and about a dozen or so of our church friends. We left from Galveston, Texas 8 days ago and stopped in Roatan, Hondurus, Belize City, Belize and Cozumel, Mexico. We had a very enjoyable time, in spite of the fact that I'm not a big fan of cruises. I know this may sound rather spoiled, as there are millions of people that will never have the chance to reach such a conclusion, but nevertheless, here's what it is: I don't really like the ocean, unless I'm firmly planted on the shore. When I'm on a boat in the middle of an ocean—especially at night—I have a hard time not thinking about the incredibly frightful "what if" and I get a not-so-good (maybe even very bad) feeling in my stomach that is quickly transmitted to and registered in every nerve ending, until I impulsively jump back and away from the railing, gasping for air. A little overstated? Maybe. In the daytime, I'm ok, but still not thrilled about the fact that all I can see in every direction is ocean. Another thing, I don't love being around that many people for that long. I mean, I genuinely like people and I like meeting new people, say at lunch or on an excursion, but in general I need a bit more personal space, with a few less people-watching possibilities. And then, oddly enough there's also the food. Most people that I have talked to LOVE the food on a cruise—it's plentiful and always available, but I actually don't love that--the 24/7 opportunity to EAT. As much as I like the idea of being a foodie, I'm really not. I like super simple food and after 3 or 4 days of anything I can eat, I just really want some celery sticks and peanut butter or a smoothie or some homemade popcorn. You know? I did very much enjoy the chance to fully unwind with my sweetheart and family members. And, there was some really good entertainment on this particular ship, but I'm missing my Netflix and my wifi connection and the ability to get up and go outside or load the dishwasher and scour the kitchen sink and be productive and feel like I've actually earned my nap! So, there you go. Not at all what I was intending to write, but honest at least. My best memory, amongst some very memorable experiences will have to be sitting next to Hillary on a beach, in Cozumel, getting a fish pedicure. I will be posting the video as soon as I figure out how to do that. It was a crazy sensation and experience! I also loved walking through the jungle in Belize where we ventured out on an excursion of zip lining and cave tubing. I gathered some cool rocks from the river for my kids and I'm looking forward to telling them, "Check it out, this rock travelled all the way from a river bottom in Belize to be with you!"
Hillary and I making friends with some hungry fish in Cozumel, Mexico! And hello? How can you possibly get used to this?
I thought I would start this new blog with some kind of catch up post, but now that I haven't done that, I don't think I will. How's that for commitment, ha! I would like to acknowledge the fact that I have been gone for a while and that I did not properly thank those who read and commented on my last post, way back in October. Selling my company and navigating a change of that magnitude has not been easy, but it was the right thing to do and the time is right. I am so very grateful for your support and patience and for kind words via emails and social media. I am genuinely excited to see the next BPC chapter unfold. I trust that it will take some time to find our footing and feel at home with the new platform and community, but I am a believer in change and growth, which go hand in hand and I am fully on board (pun intended) to see this launch and help make it a successful transition to a bright, new future.
As always, I'm anxious to hear your thoughts.