I'm liking these leather bracelets ...
I'm day three into a nasty cold.
In other words, I've not felt like doing much of anything. I have a few posts I've been working on, but can't seem to find the mojo to finish them up, so I'll just play the role of enabler today and then go back to bed!
I have subscribed (on and off) to Story People emails for years. I mentioned these emails as great memory and story triggers during the Paperclipping Roundtable, episode 239, so firstly I'll link to the Story People homepage where you can subscribe. Look right in the center of the page and simply click on the box that says, "Story of the Day" and you'll begin receiving fun, thought-provoking poetry (or stories) that are really snippets of conversations, written by artist Brian Andreas. Most days I skim over these emails and quickly delete them, but every now and then, I read one that really resonates with me, in which case I print it out. I've used Story People stories to spark at least half a dozen scrapbook pages.
Now, before you leave storypeople.com be sure to check out some of the FUN gifty things for purchase. My current favorite are these super-hip leather bracelets, appropriately named wrist wraps. They are custom made. You select the "story" and the color you want and in about a week, one shows up in your mailbox. My favorite story of all time is this one ...
“Everything changed the day I figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in my life. ”
I chose to put it on a cool turquoisy-green wrap and I selected two additional stories for wrist wraps for gifts. If you end up purchasing one of these cool wraps, leave me a comment and let me know which story and color you choose!
Note: For a daily dose of Story People, you can also follow Brian on Instagram.