Live Your Story with Stacy Julian

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Photo Freedom: Help me!

I am preparing myself to teach a new version of Finding Photo Freedom this coming January 2016 and I would LOVE your help. 

It's hard to imagine that it has been THREE years since I taught this class, back in January of 2013, and it's even harder to imagine the changes that photos and photo organization has seen in this short time. Each time I start this process of updating content I'm curious to know what others are identifying in their digital workflow as frustrations or obstacles, so I'm going to ask you ...

What is working?
What do you wish was working better?
What is not working at all?

If you're not familiar with my Library of Memories system or my class Finding Photo Freedom or my book, Photo Freedom I still want to hear from you. When it comes to taking, uploading, finding, editing, sharing, archiving and/or printing and scrapbooking your pictures, what drives you crazy? What gets in the way of you going to your happy place to create and to combine pictures with words? It does not matter HOW you scrapbook, whether you make traditional layouts, or work in digital formats or use pocket-style page protectors and albums, the tasks of locating, selecting and using your pictures (as illustrations) in telling personal stories and documenting your life is a universal step. So, what do you wish could or would change?

I would also LOVE it if you would answer even one of the following questions for me:

1. Are the stories you are telling/sharing the stories that matter most to you?
2. What stories do you wish you could tell more often?
3. Do you feel like you are scrapbooking enough? And by that I mean, are you satisfied that your current approach will satisfy your expectations? Are you happy with your efforts overall?
4. If there is one thing you could change about your storytelling, what would it be?

And, finally ... 
If you have read my book or taken my class at any point in the past, which Library of Memories (LOM) principle or process or tool or teaching has been the most transformative for you. What has stuck and why?

Please talk to me. You can leave me a comment here, or email me directly and I promise to read every word. 

Thank YOU.
Thank YOU.
Thank YOU.