We're going to NYC. Help!

GUESS WHAT for real?
Dad Julian just bought plane tickets and booked a hotel for me and Trey + Taft for spring break in NEW YORK CITY 🍎  EEEEEEEEK!! I might be just a little bit OVER THE TOP excited. I've actually been twice, both times for about 4 hours, which I've learned is just enough to know with absolute certainty that I want to return. I have tried to talk my husband into a trip like this before, with no luck, but a week or so ago, Taft came home with the itinerary for a school-sponsored DECCA trip to NYC in June. A couple of students had dropped out and his good friend had asked if perhaps he could fill one of the spots. The cost: $3,000 😳 Geoff and I looked over all the materials and gave it some serious consideration and the LONG story SHORT is that making these arrangements has become a challenge for Geoff—to see if he can "save" money compared to what we would have spent had we sent Taft. Of course we couldn't just sent Taft, because it's Trey's senior year and he is the one who has always wanted to go to New York—so this will now be kind of a last hurrah with T-babes who as you probably know, LOVES the theater and especially the musical kind. 

So, here's where YOU come in. I'm not afraid to travel—I've done a fair amount over the years. I'm the super curious kind, but a bit too spontaneous (meaning I don't plan out details) and I'm naive enough that I just go and then get lost and then ask people where I am and what I should do and somehow I always manage to get by and have a fun time, however ... I want to take a new approach with this trip. I don't want a crazy schedule like the DECA kids, but I do want to make a plan. 😎 I want to have a to-do list with one or two specifics planned each day. I want tips and tricks and whatever advice you have. What are your must-dos and must-sees. How did you get around? What passes did you buy or tours or tickets? Which Broadway show would you pay full ticket price for? If you've got an opinion about New York City, please give it to me now. 

Thank YOU!


stacy julian

Memory maker, storyteller, podcaster and teacher. I HELP others do something with some of their photos and tell their stories.


Hitting the target.


I took this picture today.