Search the Scriptures!
Oh man. December is busy! I somehow forget year to year how this frenzy sets in, but I'm back today because of the Light The World campaign and today's scripture which is found in John 5:39, "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life"
I'm not sure I can adequately state how much I LOVE the scriptures. Geoff and I get up between 5:30 and 6:00am so we can read a chapter together with Taft before he heads out the door and then I have about an hour to myself to go a little deeper. Before Addie leaves we read a Bible story together. I don't mean to overstate this, but I totally believe that one of the best things I've ever done as a parent is make the scriptures a part of my daily routine because I can then more easily draw from what we've learned, both for my own self-care and to share with my children.
Just so you know, there are 25 verses and candies in The Old Testament and The Book of Mormon kits, and 31 verses and candies in The New Testament kit.
All this is to say that I have the CUTEST little scripture kits that I want to give away to anyone who wants one. Yep. I've made three lists of FAVORITE verses, one from The Old Testament, The New Testament and The Book of Mormon. Each kit comes with a mini book and one candy for each of the scriptures I've noted. The idea is you can reference my list, look up one (or more) verses a day and then eat the candy as a reward, ha! All you have to do is comment below or email me ( and tell me which kit you want. I'll send these anywhere in the world because I honestly cannot think of a better gift at Christmas then inspiring words that teach of Jesus Christ.
Maybe you already know and love the scriptures like I do. Great! I'll send you one, two or three! Maybe you've never been religious and you want to see what all the fuss is about. I'd love to send you any one that you choose. Maybe you went to church as a young person, but aren't into organized religion anymore. Just name your kit! Maybe you've been feeling like something is missing in your life and you're curious about God's word. Email me and I'll send you any or all. Maybe you already know and love the Bible, but you're curious about The Book of Mormon. I'll send you a copy and you can find and mark some of my favorite verses and EAT candy while you're at it.
❤️ Maybe you already have your own well-loved set of scriptures, so that you don't really need a kit OR you find this post after I've run out of kits and you just want to download my lists of favorite verses, all you have to do is click on the links below!
The Old Testament
The New Testament
The Book of Mormon
I LOVE Christmas time and as you know, I love sharing what I love. So, don't hesitate to grab up one of these kits.
With LOVE from me to you!