Addie Day | 8.2017
She is truly my best friend. Thanks Trey for coming when I called to capture this moment!
I'm the kind of person whose mind tends to be thinking all the time. I try really hard to live in the present, to be present, but even as I finish something, I'm mentally off to the next task or chore or project. Addie is one of a very few people who can pull me out of this forward thrust. She will say, "Mom, do you want to snuggle me and read?" Or, "Mom, how about we play a game of Go Fish?! Or, "Mom, do you want to watch Miracle Worker (the story of Helen Keller) with me tonight?
Yes, Addie. As a matter of fact, I do.
I want to slow down and read, play and watch with YOU. What a gift this girl is. She continually helps me STOP and do the things with her that create the memories I will most treasure.
For Addie day this month, we made a list of 5 RIGHT NOW things ...
1. Fidget Spinner | Taft gave it to her for her birthday. It is a really nice, purple-ish and pink-ish iridescent one and wins most if not all spinning contests, spinning for an average of 3 minutes and 45 seconds!
2. Swimming | Addie swims EVERYDAY, with goggles and a hula hoop, which she uses as a jumping target. I told Addie last summer that if she wanted to keep her hair long in the summertime, she would have to learn how to shower on her own and take care of her hair. She has done just that. About every third day or so, she will ask me if her hair smells too much like pool, and then she will take a shower, wash and condition her hair and let it air dry. Addie LOVES long hair and now I do too, ha!
3. Noodles | Addie would choose noodles for dinner every night if she could. Since Geoff and I are both non gluten eating, we don't have a lot of noodles. This means that when Addie Day rolls around, Addie chooses noodles. She did again tonight!
4. Makes | Addie is most definitely a maker. She makes something nearly everyday. Either slime or space bars, or a rubber band bracelet. Today Addie made a paint-by-number picture of a puppy.
5. Music | Addie and Trey are the music lovers in our family. They love finding and sharing new songs. Addie is currently loving and dancing to this song from Andy Grammer ...
If you watch or listen, then you'll understand that I believe Addie, is the epitome of the chorus' message ... All of my people need love, I give some! When I called her, Addie came running and willingly helped me write this post. That's just like her ... always helping and giving love!