Loving our Unhoused Friends
Our bags, ready to go!
This is a time of year when I try a little harder to “Light the World” and perhaps lift the spirits of people I know and people I don’t yet know. Anytime I pull up to a stoplight or street corner and see someone holding a sign, asking for help, I want to do something—even though a direct handout may not be the best idea. I’m certain I’m not alone in this desire to reach out to people in need, especially our fellow humans who are currently experiencing homelessness. I can’t even imagine. I know how cold I am just running from car to store and how grateful I am to return to my four (heated) walls. So, I googled ‘how to help the unhoused in Spokane’ and in addition to donating to a well reputed organizations like Family Promise or Union Gospel Mission, I came up with the idea of preparing bags of toiletries and goodies to give out.
On Monday we invited four other families over. I had done my research and gathered supplies so that we could work together to assemble 20 bags. We gathered for a spiritual thought and three short Christmas videos (some of our most favorites) and then I explained our activity. I set up a cocoa bar and played Christmas music and we chatted and worked together for a good cause. Since I already did the research and the helping party was a success, I thought I’d share details and links …
Contents of a bag ready to give!
Friends who are unhoused, love and need extra bags—to sort and organize and keep dry their belongings. They always need new, clean socks and mittens, tissue, band-aids, nail clippers, lotion and dental care items. We put all the smaller, toiletries in a gallon sized Ziplock bag and then put those bags into a larger, colorful bag with the socks and mittens. I also put out cards and pens. Everyone really enjoyed the chance to write a personal note of encouragement in these. Below are items I purchase with links …
I purchased socks and mittens, band-aids and floss picks at a local retail chain and snacks at Costco.
AND, here’s the best bit … this morning I went to breakfast with a good friend. On the way home, we saw a man standing near a stop sign with a cardboard petition. I immediately turned around, drove back to him and asked my friend to roll down the window and give him one of the bags in my backseat. I know my silly little bag didn’t solve his problems, but I also know that he felt seen. We exchanged smiles and I wished him a Happy Christmas.
It wasn’t and can’t be (ever) enough, but it was something.
Comment if you do or have done something similar!