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October, November & December
Welcome to Fall 2022
In October, November and December our theme is RELATIONSHIPS.
Humans have an inherent desire to be close to other people. We are social beings and the relationships we form with others are vital to our mental and emotional well-being and even our survival. There’s also the relationship we have with ourself which greatly impacts how we are able to connect with others. So much of why and what we document as memory keepers has to do with how we love ourselves and the people in our lives.
What would happen if we were more playful, productive and present in our relationships?
How would we show up?
Who could we help?
What conflicts could we solve?
What new stories could we tell?
Rote the Quote
Each season we work on memorizing powerful and positive words.
Before each live session, we read and eventually recite (until they are rote) the words of a quote.
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. ”
Let’s READ a Book!
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Who’s ready for an easy-to-read classic that has delighted generations?!
This fall we are going to curl up with and dive into one of the best relationship books ever written. This is creative sisterhood at its best, where love and loyalty win the day. As we read we’ll be making notes about narrative writing and marking and sharing our favorite quotes.
Watch replay of Book Club, click HERE!
Let’s MAKE a project!
Martin Seligman, the father of Positive Psychology has said, “Curing the negatives does not produce the positives.”
Do you know what does?
Gratitude. When we are intentional about noticing the things that go right, we change our lives and our stories. In October, we’ll gather 30 photos depicting the things that have gone right AND in November, we’ll assembler a super FUN and interactive &November project, by recording gratitude every day!
Download Project PDF HERE
View Supply List HERE
Watch Replay HERE
Please Share Your Thoughts 🍁 on our FALL survey!