On Starting
Here’s are FIVE things I know about starting …
1. The perfect time to START will never come.
2. You learn as you do and go.
3. Generous people will show up to help you.
4. You can’t iterate something that doesn’t exist.
5. Starting something always invites criticism.
In this episode I talk about my experience with The Podcasting Fellowship, which overall has been very positive and helpful. If you’re thinking about podcasting, you’ll definitely want to check it out!
“Put blinders on those things that conspire to hold you back, especially the ones in your own head.”
Here are affiliate links to the books I mentioned, on Amazon.
FINISH by John Acuff and The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers by Maxwell King
You’ll have to listen to the episode to fully appreciate this image in the context of my message, but I couldn’t resist posting a pic of Kermit—so full of imagination, humor, wisdom and child-like FUN.
Looking for a transcript of this episode? Click here to download.