Catching Up with Wendy
I couldn’t be more thrilled to (finally) have my dear friend, Wendy Smedley on the show with me today. We’ll spend the first several minutes sharing how our paths crossed and a few of the adventures we’ve shared together—good and hard! Then I invite Wendy to talk about what’s she doing now. Wendy is the Marketing Manager for FamilySearch International—she knows a thing or two about getting started with genealogy and discovering your broader family narrative. Wendy is also recently divorced and opens up about shifting our stories during life’s inevitable changes—and be sure to click through to the show notes to see a photo of Wendy and her FIVE sons …
Wendy is so resilient and determined—she says of herself, “I am fiercely independent” but she shares how a recent injury—with an extended recovery has given her the opportunity to allow people into her life to help her walk. In my opinion, Wendy is a beautiful example of harvesting wisdom from difficulty. I’m so delighted to share her perspective with YOU!
“Losing my ability to WALK has really strengthened by ability to SEE. ”
If you’re interested in getting started with family history research, click HERE. FamilySearch is the world’s largest genealogical website with over 7 MILLION pages views a day and they have so many family friendly ways to discover your past.
Wendy would love to answer any specific questions you have. Leave a comment below and I’ll help connect you with the expert 😀. There are some amazing things headed our way in the world of ancestry exploration and if you’re interested, there’s no better place to learn than RootsTech. Go HERE to learn more and get registered. I’ll be teaching a class on Thursday, February 27th at 9:00am—I am one of only about 300 classes—so there is truly something for everyone.
Additional LINKS:
Wendy is currently using Future Self Journaling prompts as part of her morning ritual.
I play a portion of the song, Windy by the band, The Association.