Magnifying Moms

I start and end today’s episode with thoughts shared in this video, created by ECHO Storytelling Agency.

One of the challenges with motherhood is that the value of what moms provide can never be overestimated and yet when asked what this influence is worth—especially if you ask those who most rely on and require mothering the answers fall terribly short. We chuckle of course, but we all know that when we are hurt, sick, sad or discouraged or when we make the cut, win the race or triumph in some other way the first person we think of is Mom! My guest today is Erin Trimble and I absolutely LOVE what she has created on Instagram. It is a bright spot in my scrolling and it’s called Motherhood Magnified.

Back in 2016 in her personal quest to become more of the mother she wanted to be, Erin began sharing quotes, articles, advice and tips from her research on a new Instagram account. Each week Erin reaches out to another mom—some even “famous”—and asks them to respond to a series of questions. She also invites them to share their favorite sources of inspiration. The result is Motherhood Magnified!


In our conversation I asked Erin to share a quote that she has published on Motherhood Magnified and she chose this one. I decided it is so good—so indispensable—that I want to make it EASY for you to take it with you.

Click HERE or on the image to download.

When you are exasperated by interruptions, try to remember that their very frequency may indicate the value of your life. Only people who are full of help and strength are burdened by other persons’ needs. The interruptions which we chafe at are the credentials of our indispensability. The greatest condemnation that anybody could incur - and it is a danger to guard against - is to be so independent, so unhelpful, that nobody ever interrupts us, and we are left comfortably alone.

— Anonymous (printed in The Anglican Digest)

These are the questions Erin asks in her Mom Monday interviews:

Erin has chosen Fan Tex Ash trees for her yard!

Erin has chosen Fan Tex Ash trees for her yard!

I magnify my role as mom the most when: 

Best mom advice: 

Favorite product right now: 

Biggest struggle you have as a parent? 

Favorite tradition you have as a family or just with your kids:

Favorite go-to homemade meal on a hectic day (extra points for including a recipe or website link to the recipe so I can share it with other moms!):

Most recent (or any) book you've read and would want to recommend?

Favorite podcast: 

Favorite quote: 

Thanks as always for listening.

This is the Sheri Dew talk that Erin referenced!

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stacy julian

Memory maker, storyteller, podcaster and teacher. I HELP others do something with some of their photos and tell their stories.

COLOR with Lee Eiseman


Out of Order