Today I’m sharing a few changes in my life—new opportunities—that have and will require a shift in priorities.
I have actually loved —for a LONG time—the idea of understanding values, creating priorities and using both to improve personal productivity. I often say that this podcast isn’t about productivity, but it is about being present in your life, because you create the time you need to do and share what you LOVE most of all.
In a way, Exactly Enough Time is all about prioritizing what matters!
Way back in 2007-ish, inspired by Todd Henry, I created a personal 6-word bio:
Teaching Awareness and Gratitude, Sprinkled with FUN!
It’s interesting how what I wanted to be known for then is still true today. These six words are in fact closely aligned with my top priorities. And now, as I am choosing to take on new teaching roles I’m working to remind myself of principles that have guided me in the past.
I’m always curious what people “Google” about different topics. So, I googled “priorities” and I’m sharing here a screen shot of the most popular queries. I like the first one: What are your top 3 priorities in life?
That does seem like something you might want to know and stick to doesn’t it? I do hope as I ramble on today with some recent personal experiences and decisions that you might feel inspired to think carefully about how you are investing your …
Time & attention
Money & resources
Energy & focus
“I can tell by looking at your bank account and your calendar what you care about. Because that’s where you spend your time and your money.”
In doing some learning and research (again) I’ve come across some “old” favorites, like Dave Ramsey, Stephen R. Covey and (already mentioned) Todd Henry—clearly you can learn more about these awesome humans, their influential work and philosophies on prioritization and solutions on your own, by their books and all, but …
HERE and HERE for Dave Ramsey
HERE and HERE for Todd Henry
and HERE for Stephen R. Covey
I first learned Covey principle at a Franklin Time Management seminar—before Franklin become Franklin Covey. I’ll never forget the process we were all guided through as we determined our top priorities and finally our TOP priority. It was the first time I was introduced to the idea of urgent and important.
For this episode I learned more about this idea and its genesis. It is originally the Eisenhower Principle and has now become one of the most popular and powerful time management tools in organizations and business.
⏰ You’ve likely seen this principle set up in a matrix—or quadrant—where you can visually see or list items on your to-do list as important and urgent (do these first), not urgent but important (plan to do these things), urgent but not important (delegate as many of these things as possible) and not urgent and not important (eliminate these things)
“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”
Because of his exploration and writing on color, I have to share this quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. He will always be a favorite of mine!
Priorities really do matter. As I outlined my thoughts for today, I realized that mine are clearly represented at the top of my Instagram account …
Faith 📖 Family ❤️ Color 🎨 Nature 🌿 Whole Food 🥑 + Chocolate 🍫 & Story 📒
These are the things I care most about, strive to focus on and love to share—always!
I have TONS to learn—especially as I take on new roles and try new things, but some things don’t change and I like that. I will always LOVE ideas 💡and I will always LOVE sharing ideas.
All of this to say that I will continue to produce this podcast, just not weekly. I need right now to let go of a weekly deadline. I so appreciate listeners who will stick around! If you want to know when new episodes are available, you can subscribe on iTunes, follow me on Instagram or sign-up for my newsletter—just go to my homepage and scroll down. LOOK for this green box and enter your email address!