Q&A with Stacy (part 2)
As promised in episode 77, this week is a Q&A follow-up focusing on listener-submitted questions—and particularly questions of a more personal nature. You might think with as ‘out there’ as I am that I relish this type of thing, but the truth is this is hard for me. I’m certainly happy to share my thoughts (answers to questions) so I think the discomfort comes from not wanting to elevate my answers as anything more than my answers. I have to keep reminding myself that I love listening to and learning from other people and that I often borrow ideas and use and adapt them to my life. So let’s do that. Let’s just picture us sitting down together to talk about life—only I would LOVE to hear from you!
I figured since I used my professional headshot to promote episode 77, I should use something a bit more close-to-home to promote this episode. This is me at 5:27 AM—see, I told you we were friends!
After listening today, I hope you’ll share a little of you with me. You can do that by sending me a SpeakPipe message, emailing me at stacy@stacyjulian.com or messaging me on Instagram @stacyjulian
Questions submitted for today’s episode include:
Besides marriage & birth/adoption of kids what is your best memory?
What’s your favorite present with photos you have received?
Are you going to continue to homeschool Addie in the fall? How’s it going?
Why did you decide to homeschool?
How old was Addie when you met/adopted her?
What type of books do you read for pleasure? Do you have a favorite author?
What is the most important lesson learned while podcasting?
What is your funniest moment in podcasting?
What goals would you like to reach by episode 100?
Do you have any outtakes or bloopers?
What was the most emotional moment in podcasting?
What is your greatest challenge in podcasting?
How do you do it all—balance family life with work, creative projects and other pursuits?
What is your favorite memory raising tiny boys?
What’s your most precious memory?
I hope you enjoy this episode. I inadvertently left out a question about my current health routine—food and exercise? And, I actually had thoughts/answers for that one, so I’ve already reached out to my brother, Theron to do a full episode on women’s health—especially as we age!
For more information on Addie’s story and homeschooling, listen to episode 44 and episode 61. I mentioned the fun Geoff and I had recording episodes on marriage with our friends, The Smiths. Listen to episode 35 and episode 37 for some memorable moments!
Seth Godin, Todd Henry and Jon Acuff are all authors I mentioned and read with enthusiasm. There are many, many more of course. I also specifically mentioned The Person You Mean to Be, by Dolly Chugh.
This is my FAVORITE (highly effective) way to scrub, when I’m “weird cleaning” 😀
I now have a GOAL 🎯 to reach before my 100th episode—sometime in October (I think) and that is to have more than 100 (💯) reviews. Click here to learn you leave a review for me! ❤️ Thanks!
I have many, many ways of relaxing with dark chocolate, but this is a very common one—that I might be subscribed to on Amazon.
As always, THANK YOU to Close To My Heart for sponsoring the Story Starter kits that I send out for SpeakPipe messages played—and thanks to Cindy Stephen for the one I played today!