The Time Consuming, Frivolous & Mundane

Today’s show invites exploration of the awareness and authentic happiness found in things that don’t make sense. The next time you think, this will take too long or I really shouldn’t spend my money on that, or this isn’t the best use of my time—stop and ask yourself WHY you think those things?

I fear we sometimes forgo immediate, positive results in exchange for sensibilities based on eventualities that may not even occur.
— Me (I said that!)

I’m not saying we shouldn’t be thoughtful and intelligently investigate options when it’s very important. I am saying that it simply cannot be very important ALL the time, so let go (sometimes) and decide to leverage present JOY by losing track of time, being a little silly or relishing the ordinary.

I will specifically talk about the following efforts:

  1. Homemade Mayonaise

  2. Potting Flowers

  3. Using Decorative Napkins (all the time!)

  4. Cleaning Under the Sink

  5. Painting the Stairs (Pinterest style)

🥚 As promised, here’s my recipe for mayonnaise

1 (warm) Egg
1/4 Cup Avocado oil
1/2 tsp. Dry Mustard
Pinch of Salt

Combine these ingredients in a food processor and then (slowly) add 1 additional cup of avocado oil. When mixture is fully emulsified you can add the juice of 1/2 fresh lemon if you like—and a tad more salt if desired. Yes, it takes a little time, but it’s 100% worth it.

It has taken awhile, but I certainly do know it now ­­– the most wonderful gift I had, the gift I finally learned to cherish above all else, was the gift of all those perfectly ordinary days.
— Katrina Kenison


These are my colorful “Pinterest” stairs. I LOVE them and they send me happy vibes every time I walk up them! If you were to throw caution to the wind and paint something bold, what would it be? Could you grant creative license to a child or teen in your home?


Your assignment after listening to today’s episode is to observe an upcoming silly holiday, like National Hamburger Day (May 28th) or Paper Clip Day (May 29th). You should probably also buy chocolate milk and serve it for dinner—with a colorful straw! AND, by all means, buy some impractical sandals or FUN shoes for summer.

🎙 Thanks to Allison Little for the SpeakPipe message. She’ll be receiving a Story Starter kit in the mail courtesy of Close To My Heart, who sponsors this portion of my podcast. AND, don’t forget to watch my NEW (free) class over on the Close To My Heart YouTube channel!

📚 Remember too to tell me about your favorite books for my upcoming episode on Summer Reading! If you need to know how to send me a SpeakPipe message? Click HERE.

stacy julian

Memory maker, storyteller, podcaster and teacher. I HELP others do something with some of their photos and tell their stories.

Photo FUN for Summer


Scrapbook-y Things