What's Next with Mamie Coffey
“Do your best to embrace uncertainty. Some of the best chapters in your life won’t have a title you feel fully comfortable with until later. ”
I’m chatting with my friend, Mamie Coffey on the podcast today. She is married to her best friend, Geoff with whom she shares two beautiful, smart, extremely talented and (of course) clever daughters—one has launched and the other will begin her senior in high school this week.
I was able to host Mamie for a few days at my house last week, which means I really just absorbed her into life as I know it right now—fun and hectic. As we ran errands and worked side by side in my kitchen we talked, as women do about life and family and transitions. We talked about kids growing up and doing what we’ve prepared them to do (leave) and how contemplating what’s next can leave us feeling excited and vulnerable at the same time. At some point we decided to share some of our thoughts as episode 27. Even if you’re in a completely different season of life, I think you’ll enjoy our conversation.
The book I mention in the show is The Crossroads of Should and Must, Find and Follow Your Passion by Ella Luna.
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. ”
Learn more about Marc and Angel over at Hack Life (marcandangel.com)