Photo Freedom on Your Phone !

We carry our iPhones with us everywhere we go. This means in theory we can enjoy camera roll images and videos of the people, places and things we love most, anytime—but for too many of us, our camera roll feels like a curse, with too many “tools” and endless (confusing) updates—hello, iOS18—and we are left to endless scrolling to find what we’re looking for.

📲 If your operating system is suffering from operator overwhelm, YOU are in the right place, and this course is your cure.

Starting January 15th, 2025 I am going to help you unlock JOY on your iPhone and show you how easy it is to manage, curate and share the photos you take. In this all NEW, improved and extended Rock Your Scroll—Round Two! I’m going to teach you the steps to an effective and FUN mobile workflow so that you can unleash, refresh or fine tune your storytelling groove.


Watch to learn more about this course!


What happens next?

After registering you’ll receive a confirmation email with a password that will grant you access to our content page, right here at Once logged in, you’ll watch a short welcome video from me. You’ll want to mark your calendar for Wednesday, January 15th when our course kicks off. This is a 5-week course with weekly video instruction and live Q+A sessions, plus daily emails to keep you on track and practicing!

Picture me showing you the steps and us doing the dance together—in real time! This is learn and do at its best.

What’s included?

This is a course that features pre-recorded and live elements, coaching on mindset AND frequent emails with specific ideas and tips to help you adapt what you’re learning.
All in all, you’ll receive and participate in …

  1. Welcome video (available now!)

  2. Kick-off session (via Zoom) on Wednesday, January 15th at 11AM Pacific Time

  3. Weekly instructional videos, posted each Monday for five weeks, starting Monday, January 20th—and no worries, you’ll be notified via email

  4. Five webinar-style LIVE Q+A sessions each Wednesday, starting Wednesday, January 22nd at 11AM Pacific Time

  5. 25 Monday-Friday emails with specific ‘try this’ invitations

  6. Printable PDF featuring mobile workflow tips and tricks

  7. Wrap-up week activities, starting Monday, February 24th

  8. BONUS Follow up Q+A on Monday, March 24th at 11AM Pacific Time

What is the schedule exactly?

Class opens on January 15th, 2025 (with a LIVE event) and runs through the end of February, with a BONUS follow-up Q+A one month later—a full schedule with dates and times is available once you register. Zoom links to LIVE sessions coming soon!

Why should I join?

When it comes to your photos, you don’t need to feel frustrated or overwhelmed by technology. I often hear people say, “I need to get these photos off my phone!” But, in reality, you don’t—what you need is a guide on the side (that’s me) as well as an easy, repeatable workflow so you can better manage what you have.

Trust me, you want to access ALL those photos on your phone, because mobile technology is amazing and there is SO MUCH you can do.

A NEW year promises new memories. Aren’t you ready to banish guilt, procrastination and confusion. Aren’t you ready for a new, happier view of your life? 🧡📲 Come learn and have FUN with me!

Please NOTE:
In this NEW, updated 2025 course, I’m focused on iPhone users, running the most recent iOs18 update. I teach principles that you will be able to adapt if you use a different device, but I will not address those adaptations in class.

One More Thing …

If you’re new here at, you can learn more about Stacy and what she believes when it comes to photos and stories HERE. You can learn more about Stacy’s customers HERE. When you’re ready—scroll down to the orange “Add To Cart” button and let’s go!

Rock Your Scroll Course