Spring 2022: Index Album
May 21st, 10:30AM to 12:30PM is our live collective project class. This page exists to help you make plans, either to join us live OR to follow along another time. Our May Story Coaching sessions in April and May 16th will include time for Stacy to review and take questions about how to adapt and/or personally prepare for this project.
I’ve prepared this PDF for you to print and use as you make decisions and prepare for class. This project—a physical index album (or a digital photo book) is an easy and super FUN approach to documenting either one specific (BIG) event, like a wedding or a trip or a time period, like childhood or baby’s first year. You could index your most favorite nature photos or lots of travel experiences together. You could index family history or a prized collection. The possibilities are truly endless.
Look for the 🧡 on the PDF for details about my decisions and project, but please remember that you do not need to approach this project like I am. I will help you adapt this concept to whatever your particular topic is.
Click on the image or HERE to download this PDF.
Regardless of your chosen format, I enthusiastically recommend that you set up an album (or folder or collection) in your digital library—you can do this on most smart phones, ie. Apple or Google Photos and begin to gather (copy) images you think you’ll want to use. Begin this effort as soon as possible!
My topic for this project is a trip Geoff and I took to Japan (for a CKU event back in 2009). This is a screenshot of the album I set up in my Photos. I have 43 photos gathered so far. I may have some printed photos that I need to look through, and I know I have LOTS of memorabilia that I saved.
A little preparation goes a LONG way in a happy project-making experience.