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April, May & June 2023

Our Theme is Celebration

In her book, Cold Tangerines, Shauna Niequest makes what she calls a shameless appeal for celebration because we desperately need optimism and hope in the face of what seems like endless division, contention and violence in our world today. Where there is simply too much anger, fear and anxiety, we can default down the road of despair, or as Shauna recommends, we can intentionally and delicately weave together action and celebration. Yes, we need to  defend, protect and energetically fight for all that we care about, but in this pursuit we do not need to miss moments of perfection that when we learn to notice, are so obvious in our everyday lives. Shauna believes as do I that in spite of all that is discouraging and regretful around us, God and good people are continually creating beauty and generosity and giving us ample reason to celebrate.

Whitney Johnson, a Harvard trained entrepreneur and podcast host knows that celebration is not a destination—it is simply a little pause where we look up, survey the road we’ve traveled and the mountain we’ve climbed. It’s ok she says to stop a have a snack, with a friend. We must rest and catch our breath if we are to confidently contemplate the way forward. Learning how to create brief, but real recognition for what is right and good is high octane fuel for living our best lives.

As we embark on year two of Live Your Story, our theme is celebration. Because we need to celebrate. Yes, the calendared holidays—for sure AND the big and important milestones—always, but we must also notice and appreciate with a celebratory spirit, the chance meetings, the restorative conversations, kind deeds and clean sheets. A new recipe, an a-ha moment and that scrapbook page you just added to your album—these small things matter. You matter and your efforts make a difference. You are doing it. You are living your story and I’m deeply grateful you’re choosing to live it in connection with me.

Let’s go!

Rote the Quote

Each season we work on memorizing powerful and positive words.
Before each live session, we read and eventually recite (until they are rote) the words of a quote.

Click to PRINT

Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow.
— Mary Jean Irion


Let’s READ a Book!

How to Celebrate Everything by Jenny Rosenstrach

We’ve explored all kinds of emotions, now it’s time to create more of the positive kind as we shift our focus to celebrating rituals and routine with Jenny
Rosenstrach in her book, How To Celebrate Everything,

I’m in LOVE with Jenny’s writing style and can’t wait to study how she brings together prose, recipes, photographs and more to beautifully honor the unfolding of daily life and her desire to make it special and memorable.

Check it out at your local library, or purchase it here.

AND, be sure to follow along on Facebook at Cynthia Broadbent and Kim Willems help us explore, learn from and adapt these ideas in FUN and personal ways.

Book Club Discussion Replay is HERE.


Let’s MAKE a project!

Video Montage

A video montage is simply a series of short video clips sequenced together to tell a story. We are story tellers—so why not? Let’s celebrate daily life by capturing it on video.

Playdates are now all about these seasonal projects, so get registered for our first spring Playdate on Thursday, April 6th HERE—we’ll talk about the possibilities and outline preparations for compiling what you already have or shooting more—think Everyday May in 4K 🎥 Be sure to print the handout below!

Print Handout HERE. Print Checklist HERE.
April Project Preparations

Click above to watch Stacy’s montage!

Please Share Your Thoughts 🌷 on our Spring Survey!

Bonus Content

Rock Your Scroll

Want to enjoy Photo Freedom on your smart phone? As a member of Live Your Story, you have access to replays of FIVE LIVE sessions, where Stacy teaches the principles of plan, purge, prioritize, categorize and share with a mobile workflow!

Click HERE and enter the password: mobilerock


Photo Freedom Access

As a member of Live Your Story, you have ongoing access to my full Photo Freedom course. Click on the photo and then use the password: getorganized

There is a LOT there, but you can work through or review it at your own pace. I will refer to principles taught in this class often.