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April, May & June


Spring 2024

When we add -ing to a verb it most often expresses imminent or continuous action—as in listening, learning, playing and creating—our 2024 seasonal themes. As a community we are taking action this year in ways that will change and enable us to influence for good the people, places and things we love. During April, May and June will we be LEARNING together. We know that girls who have access to education become stronger, more confident women who are able to advocate for their rights and exercise intentional control through managed thoughts, better decisions and informed behavior. Educated and empowered women wield immense influence to love, lead and change in homes, communities and our world. In this Spring season of Live Your Story let’s celebrate the opportunity to learn, let’s reflect on how and what we choose to learn, how and why we sometimes limit our learning and most importantly what we can do to better practice what we know to be true in our own lives.

In April, we are learning from people, in May we’ll be learning in places and in June our learning will focus on things. Remember what philosopher, Eric Hoffer wrote, that in times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.

Rote the Quote

Each season we work on memorizing powerful and positive words.
Before each live session, we read and eventually recite (until they are rote) the words of a quote.

Click to PRINT

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
— Henry Ford

Let’s read a book!

The Good Life by Robert Waldinger & Marc Schulz

Are you ready to LEARN what truly makes a life good? The Good Life is a wonderfully rich and readable report of The Harvard Study of Adult Development that has followed the lives of two generations of individuals from the same families for more than 80 years.

Spring Book Club is on Thursday, June 20th at 11:30AM PT, Watch Spring’s replay on YouTube.
Watch the Winter book club replay on YouTube.

💚 Watch a 2015 TED Talk by Robert Waldinger HERE and a 2022 follow-up discussion HERE


Let’s make projects!

2024 Album

There’s been some chatter about a yearlong class I taught at Big Picture Classes during 2012—it was appropriately titled, Twelve and it was a very FUN and very productive time. Well, it’s been twelve years and 2024 seems to be calling to us in a similar way. So, rather than seasonal projects, this year I’m proposing a yearlong effort involving a stand alone Photos I Love album, lots of questions and 24 personal stories.

In the spirit of remembering and reminiscing, here’s a throwback video with a guest appearance from my daughter, Addie—and here’s the PDF overview, so you can start thinking. For those who love a challenge, here’s a Project24 Scavenger Hunt. Print it and follow the instructions for an extra element of FUN.

Watch the replay of our overview and planning session!

Download the PDF HERE

Download Story Markers HERE


Bonus Content

Rock Your Scroll

Want to enjoy Photo Freedom on your smart phone? As a member of Live Your Story, you have access to replays of FIVE LIVE sessions, where Stacy teaches the principles of plan, purge, prioritize, categorize and share with a mobile workflow!

Click HERE and enter the password: mobilerock