Live Your Story with Stacy Julian

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Where I'll be on November 6th

I am very excited to be speaking at the Close To My Heart (CTMH) Album Retreat this coming November, the 5th through the 7th in Salt Lake City. An Album Retreat is a low-key event designed to bring CTMH consultants together, so that they can be inspired and learn from each other. It's less business focused and more about personal fulfillment as a creative person and instructor. I don't believe these retreats are open to the general public, but ... if you're looking for a way to share your creative passion AND make some money, then I would absolutely suggest clicking HERE, because you could become a consultant and then come to the retreat! Truly, what a GREAT way to kick off your career, network with other consultants and set yourself up for success. I started in this industry with Close To My Heart and I'm so grateful I did. Jeanette, the founder has always had a clear vision for what matters most. She and her company are about appreciating and celebrating relationships and using your creativity to build, support and love other people. 

IF you are a consultant, come.
The theme is "My Story" which means I get to talk about telling our personal stories, which if you scroll to the top of this post, you'll see is something I feel strongly about. 

I LOVE this new video (above) that CTMH has produced to share who they are as a company and WHY what we do as memory keepers, matters.
