Faith. Family. Story.
5 Things I've Learned about Storytelling
I'm blogging today from Seattle as I sit at the back of a CreativeLive studio. I was invited by my dear friends at Close To My Heart (CTMH) to fly over and teach a short, 20-minute segment on the importance of telling our stories. The crazy thing is my Keynote slides didn't get loaded in the production room, so when I stood up to talk, there were no slides and I had to wing it, live! I don't really have a hard time talking, but this was a test of my professionalism, because I REALLY wanted to make a "T" with my hands and shout "Time Out!" I presented a couple weeks ago at the CTMH Album Retreat in Salt Lake City, Utah, so I tweaked my message there for my segment today. As I look back on 20+ years working in the scrapbooking industry, there are a few things I've learned about storytelling that will help you stay focused on what matters.
I'm in the RootsTech video ...
Check this out. It's the WHY you should attend RootsTech video and I'm in it!
Where I'll be on November 6th
I'll be presenting at the Close To My Heart Album Retreat in Salt Lake City, Utah on November 6th. I love CTMH, the company, the products and most especially the consultants. Come hang out with me!