Broccoli Salad

I’m obsessed with this (in my book) most delicious and FUN summer food.

But I’m NOT a food blogger, so if you’re used to step-by-step photos and a “jump to recipe” link, you’ll not find that here. But, I did put together a 2-page PDF guide—linked below. I am avoiding the word recipe since I haven’t followed one for a couple of years. And, trust me, once you get the general hang of this salad, you’ll want to create your own version anyway!

Let me know how it goes!
Also, I’m sending a FUN weekly newsletter—every Monday! If you’re not getting it and would like to, click here.

stacy julian

Memory maker, storyteller, podcaster and teacher. I HELP others do something with some of their photos and tell their stories.

Tahini Cookies 😋


Look & See Storytelling