Camera Roll Ready …

Between February and June 2024, I set and accomplished a #100Days project, with the goal of sharing—on Instagram—helpful tips for managing and maximizing your camera roll experience on an iPhone.

I am HAPPY 😊 to now share this content with you here at …

Whether you followed along in early 2024 or are just now finding this resource, I’m so glad you’re here. START by watching this welcome video and then scroll down to explore, review and/or download content that I shared on Instagram.


Welcome to Joy on Your Phone!


Even thinking about the thousands of digital images languishing on your phone and/or computer can be so OVERWHELMING, but together we can think differently and begin to take action that will result in what I call, Joy on Your Phone!

When it comes to preserving memories and telling your stories—regardless of how choose to do those things—one of the BEST things you can do is simply spend more time with your digital images. IF you have a smart phone (iPhone or Android) and a photo-management app, like Apple or Google Photos doing this is getting easier and easier—when you follow proven practices.

I have been teaching photo management and storytelling for more than 25 years and I am confident that I can help you learn, use and enjoy the many options you have when it comes to photos and memories.

The videos on this page and my updated Rock Your Scroll course are designed with YOU and your overwhelm in mind. NOTE: Rock Your Scroll 2025 is now available. It’s designed specifically for iPhone users, running iOS18!

Click this arrow to ⬇️ download a PDF reference to the 100 days of content I shared in early 2024 on Instagram. You might also consider printing this file, as a way to physically mark off days/tips as you review them.


These buttons give you access to the #100Days daily videos in groups of about ten …



These orange buttons are access to many of the #100Days videos organized by ABC search, as well as a few other resources.

As you review, digest, adapt and practice the principles I teach, I want you to remember that while life can be very challenging, it is also amazingly beautiful and YOU carry in your pocket a phenomenal tool for stopping to capture life—even if only to be in the moment and feel a surge of gratitude.

📲 The pictures you take matter and I can help you do something with some of them.

🙂 You CAN do this. I will help!


P.S. Now that you’re on my email list, I will keep you updated on courses and other helpful resources. If you have a specific question, feel free to email me,