She's Persnickety
Click HERE to read more about Chari in her own words!
My guest today is Chari Pack. She’s persnickety—a term that can be used to describe a particularly precise or careful approach—in this case with printing digital images and servicing customers. Chari is the owner of Persnickety Prints, based in Orem, Utah and she has developed a process for printing photos that produces beautiful and archival results.
Chari has been a memory keeper and journal enthusiast for as long as she can remember and she is passionate about helping others print digital images in beautiful and lasting ways so that they can literally put their hands on their pictures and enjoy and share them.
I have long admired Chari, her passion and her drive as an entrepreneur and business owner, but the reason she is on my show today is because of what she has been working on (for years) that she is finally unveiling and celebrating in a public way. It’s called Persnickety Box and for me—and many others—it’s a much needed (subscription based) print solution that can help you routinely print AND then do something with some of your photos.
I am using and currently promoting the Persnickety Box app to hundreds of students in my Photo Freedom 2021 course. I’ve even created a workflow pad that suggests Persnickety Box as a recommended step in an effective digital workflow.
“A photo that isn’t printed is like a script that is never performed, or a musical composition that is never played. There is still value in the digital photo, just as there is value in a script or musical composition. But the value is mainly the hope that one day the digital photo will be printed and share a bodily life with us – to inspire us, cheer us, and remind us.”
I’m so excited for YOU to learn more about and from Chari and for you to consider Persnickety Box as an ongoing way for you to print and preserve some of your most favorite memories.
Download Persnickety Box on the App Store or on Google Play.
NOTE: The official Persnickety Box launch party is happening on Sunday, March 7th at 6:00PM MST, you can learn more about it and RSVP here.
AND, Yes … 4x4 prints that come in Persnickety Box are perfect for my Story Starter albums with Close To My Heart!
In fact, Close To My Heart has created two additional 4x4 albums especially for Persnickety Box prints—in white and blue!
IDEA: I am using this album to create an easy print archive for important events in my family history. For example, I used Persnickety Box to print 30 images from my son’s wedding. I then slipped these prints into a white 4x4 album and added a small photo to the front and one page of identifying information to the inside.
Super SIMPLE, accessible documenting done right!
I LOVE Persnickety Box so much I printed it on the workflow pad that I teach (and sell here!)
I opened today’s show with a snippet of Kodachrome, by Neil Simon
The Mat Coker quote is from this article at The Digital Photography School
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