I am ...
Today’s micro show is a challenge for you to listen to the “I am …” statements you make this week.
There’s a good chance you say “I am …” (followed by something—a LOT.) And, you think “I am …” (followed by something) even more frequently. But, have you ever really paid attention or examined up close these thoughts and words? Some of these “I am” statements you can’t do a darn thing about, but most—the ones that really matter to your future—you have absolute control over.
Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash
I subscribe to daily blog posts from Seth Godin. A recent post has stayed with me.
📧 Here it is …
The Imprecision of “am.”
I am 41 years old
is a very different statement than
I am a vegan.
In the first case, there’s not a lot you can do about your “am”. It is an accurate description of a state of affairs over which you have no control.
In the second, it simply describes a choice. Anyone who wants to eat a certain way instantly becomes a vegan for as long as they make that choice.
The “am” that we think of as permanent identity might actually be a choice, repeated again and again.
🔎 So what are your “I am …” statements that are choices—OR—that might be limiting your choices because you’ve accepted them as just the way things are?
And then these words from Reinier Van Eijk crossed my path …
“The main lesson that I have learned
There is no falling behind. There is only your knowledge and the progress you make in growing that. The when & where are irrelevant.
Perhaps our days would be better if we banned phrases such as “I am late” and “I am falling behind”.
Instead of “I am late”, we say “I am here now”.
And instead of “I am falling behind”, we say “I am doing my work now”.”
What if you made a list of your most frequent “I am …” statements and decided which you want to keep and which you could let go of OR state in a new way—like Reinier suggests above.
With Easter just ahead, it seems appropriate to note how often Jesus declares His roles and characteristics in the form of “I am …” statements. The Book of John boasts a list of seven including, I am the Light of the World and I am the Good Shepherd—this is so fascinating to me and as I try to become more aware of my own “I am …” statements, I’m pondering how I can think about myself so that I can promote growth and share goodness—we all have potential for both!
Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
Photo from Doris Willis on LinkedIn
Pay attention and you’ll notice “I am … “ statements EVERYWHERE. Have a listen and then share your thoughts with me. 🧡 You could leave me a SpeakPipe message OR reach out on Instagram @stacyjulian
By the way, you can subscribe to Seth’s emails here and follow Reinier here.